npm warn deprecated @humanwhocodes/config-array@0.13.0: Use @eslint/config-array instead
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated @humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3: Use @eslint/object-schema instead
npm warn deprecated eslint@8.57.1: This version is no longer supported. Please see for other options.

added 1166 packages, and audited 1167 packages in 13s

222 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

>> Deploying cached PDF files

>> Deploying custom files

>> Integration Tests
[15:58:30] Using gulpfile ~/pdfjs/botio-files-pdfjs/private/ce5b434f00d4001/gulpfile.mjs
[15:58:30] Starting 'integrationtest'...
[15:58:30] Starting 'setTestEnv'...
[15:58:30] Finished 'setTestEnv' after 1.06 ms
[15:58:30] Starting 'generic'...
[15:58:30] Starting 'createBuildNumber'...

### Getting extension build number
Extension build number: 126
[15:58:30] Finished 'createBuildNumber' after 26 ms
[15:58:30] Starting 'locale'...

### Building localization files
[15:58:31] Finished 'locale' after 173 ms
[15:58:31] Starting 'scriptingGeneric'...

### Building default preferences
[15:58:31] asset app_options.mjs 12.7 KiB [emitted] [javascript module] (name: main)
webpack 5.95.0 compiled successfully
[15:58:32] asset pdf.scripting.mjs 105 KiB [emitted] [javascript module] (name: main)
webpack 5.95.0 compiled successfully
[15:58:32] Finished 'scriptingGeneric' after 1.47 s
[15:58:32] Starting 'prefsGeneric'...

### Parsing default preferences
[15:58:32] Finished 'prefsGeneric' after 3.74 ms
[15:58:32] Starting 'createGeneric'...

### Creating generic viewer
[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /home/ubuntu/pdfjs/botio-files-pdfjs/private/ce5b434f00d4001/external/quickjs/quickjs-eval.js as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
[15:58:37] asset pdf.sandbox.mjs 711 KiB [emitted] [javascript module] [big] (name: main)
webpack 5.95.0 compiled successfully
[15:58:40] asset pdf.mjs 616 KiB [emitted] [javascript module] [big] (name: main)
webpack 5.95.0 compiled successfully
[15:58:41] asset pdf.worker.mjs 2.1 MiB [emitted] [javascript module] [big] (name: main)
webpack 5.95.0 compiled successfully
[15:58:41] asset viewer.mjs 453 KiB [emitted] [javascript module] [big] (name: main)
webpack 5.95.0 compiled successfully
[15:58:42] Finished 'createGeneric' after 9.64 s
[15:58:42] Finished 'generic' after 11 s
[15:58:42] Starting 'runIntegrationTest'...

### Running integration tests
Server running at
[GFX1-]: glxtest: libEGL missing
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1729353525859	RemoteAgent	INFO	Perform WebSocket upgrade for incoming connection from

DevTools listening on ws://
[3199324:3199324:1019/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[3199377:3199377:1019/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[3199360:3199375:1019/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
.TEST-PASSED | must build structure that maps to text layer
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the struct tree is still there after zooming
.TEST-PASSED | must check that some spans are linked to some annotations thanks to aria-owns
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the text fields are in the visual order
.TEST-PASSED | must check the id in aria-controls
.TEST-PASSED | must check the aria-label linked to the stamp annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the stamp annotation is linked to the struct tree
.TEST-PASSED | must check that an image is correctly inserted in the text layer
.TEST-PASSED | must show a popup on mouseover
.TEST-PASSED | must click on widget annotations
.TEST-PASSED | must let checkboxes with the same name behave like radio buttons
.TEST-PASSED | must check the checkbox
.TEST-PASSED | must check the checkbox
.TEST-PASSED | must update all the fields with the same value
.TEST-PASSED | must reset a formatted value after a change
.TEST-PASSED | must let checkboxes with the same name behave like radio buttons
.TEST-PASSED | must reset all fields
.TEST-PASSED | must reset some fields
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the FreeText annotation has a popup
*TEST-PASSED | must check that the Ink annotation has a popup
.TEST-PASSED | must check the content of the text field
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the popup has the correct visibility
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the highlight annotation has no popup and no aria-haspopup attribute
.TEST-PASSED | must move the caret down and check the selection
.TEST-PASSED | must check that we've all the contents on copy/paste
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the ligatures have been removed when the text has been copied
.TEST-PASSED | must highlight text in the right position
.TEST-PASSED | must search xfa correctly
.TEST-PASSED | must write a string in a FreeText editor
.TEST-PASSED | must copy/paste
.TEST-PASSED | must clear all
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a paste has been undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that aria-owns is correct
.TEST-PASSED | must check that right click doesn't select
.TEST-PASSED | must check that text change can be undone/redone
.TEST-PASSED | must select/unselect several editors and check copy, paste and delete operations
.TEST-PASSED | must serialize invisible annotations
.TEST-PASSED | must take the media box into account
.TEST-PASSED | must move an annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must update an existing annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must update an existing annotation and show the right popup
.TEST-PASSED | must update an existing annotation but not an empty one
.TEST-PASSED | must delete an existing annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must copy and paste an existing annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must edit an annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must not remove an empty annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must hide the popup when editing
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the dimensions of a rotated annotations are correct after a font size change
.TEST-PASSED | must delete invisible annotations
.TEST-PASSED | must open an existing annotation and check that the position are good
.TEST-PASSED | must open an existing rotated annotation and check that the position are good
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the shortcuts are working correctly
.TEST-PASSED | must check the position of moved editor
.TEST-PASSED | must check arrow doesn't move an editor when a slider is focused
.TEST-PASSED | must check the position of an empty freetext
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the focus is on the right page
.TEST-PASSED | must keep the focus
.TEST-PASSED | must move several annotations
.TEST-PASSED | must check that selected editor stay selected
.TEST-PASSED | must check that first annotation is selected without errors
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a deleted freetext can be restored
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the parent structTree id is correct
.TEST-PASSED | must check the text can be selected with the mouse
.TEST-PASSED | must create an editor from the toolbar
.TEST-PASSED | must create an editor with keyboard
.TEST-PASSED | must check the keyboard event is limited to the input
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a freetext is deleted
.TEST-PASSED | must check that freetexts are deleted
.TEST-PASSED | must check that consecutive white spaces are preserved when a freetext is edited
.TEST-PASSED | must check that consecutive white spaces are preserved when a freetext is edited
.TEST-PASSED | must check that all lines are correctly exported
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the parameters are updated when undoing/redoing
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the annotation layer is visible after a rotation
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a freetext can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a freetext can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that pasting html just keep the text
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a freetext is still there after having updated it and scroll the doc
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a freetext has the correct data
.TEST-PASSED | must scroll and check that the draw layer is there
.TEST-PASSED | must scroll and check that the highlight is selected
.TEST-PASSED | must highlight with red color
.TEST-PASSED | must scroll and change the color without exceptions
.TEST-PASSED | must be correctly serialized
.TEST-PASSED | must check that we can use the keyboard to select a color
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a text highlight don't move when arrows are pressed
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the dropdown is hidden
.TEST-PASSED | must check that editor is unselected when the mouse is down on the text layer
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the thickness is correctly updated
.TEST-PASSED | must check that some text has been highlighted
.TEST-PASSED | must check that highlight is at the correct position
.TEST-PASSED | must check that it's possible to highlight a part of a link
.TEST-PASSED | must check that it's possible to highlight a part of a form
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a message is sent on selection
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the caret can move a highlighted text
.TEST-PASSED | must check that selection is correctly highlighted on arrow down key pressed
.TEST-PASSED | must check that an highlight can be left with the keyboard
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the highlight has been deleted
.TEST-PASSED | must check the thickness input state
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the quadpoints for an highlight are almost correct
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the quadpoints for an highlight are almost correct
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the highlight editor is unselected
.TEST-PASSED | must check the editor coordinates
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the highlights are correctly hidden/shown
.TEST-PASSED | must check that clicking on the highlight floating button triggers an highlight
.TEST-PASSED | must check the focus order
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a highlight can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a highlight can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a highlight can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the toolbar is usable
.TEST-PASSED | must check that an existing highlight is ignored on hovering
.TEST-PASSED | must check that an existing highlight is ignored on hovering
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the highlight is created
.TEST-PASSED | must change the color of an highlight
.TEST-PASSED | must delete an existing annotation and its popup
.TEST-PASSED | must change the color of a free highlight
.TEST-PASSED | must enable & disable highlight mode successfully
.TEST-PASSED | must check that it's possible to draw on an image in a struct tree
.TEST-PASSED | must draw, undo a deletion and check that the editors are not selected
.TEST-PASSED | must draw, undo/redo and check that the editor don't move
.TEST-PASSED | must draw something
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the editor layer is disabled
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the ink editor is committed
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a draw can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a draw can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a draw can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that we can draw several times on the same canvas
.TEST-PASSED | must check that first text field has focus
.TEST-PASSED | must show a text field and then make in invisible when content is removed
.TEST-PASSED | must format the field with 2 digits and leave field with a click
.TEST-PASSED | must format the field with 2 digits, leave field with a click and again
.TEST-PASSED | must format the field with 2 digits and leave field with a TAB
.TEST-PASSED | must format the field with 2 digits and hit ESC
.TEST-PASSED | must format the field with 2 digits on key ENTER
.TEST-PASSED | must reset all
.TEST-PASSED | must show values in a text input when clicking on radio buttons
.TEST-PASSED | must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes
.TEST-PASSED | must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes in a group
.TEST-PASSED | must show values in a text input when clicking on checkboxes or radio with no actions
.TEST-PASSED | must execute WillPrint and DidPrint actions
.TEST-PASSED | must execute WillSave and DidSave actions
.TEST-PASSED | must execute PageOpen and PageClose actions
.TEST-PASSED | must print authors in a text field
[3199395:3199409:1019/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox.
[3199395:3199409:1019/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox.
[3199395:3199409:1019/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox.
[3199395:3199409:1019/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox.
[3199395:3199409:1019/] SharedImageManager::ProduceMemory: Trying to Produce a Memory representation from a non-existent mailbox.
.TEST-PASSED | must print selected value in a text field
.TEST-PASSED | must clear and restore list elements
.TEST-PASSED | must insert new elements
.TEST-PASSED | must delete some element
.TEST-PASSED | must change colors
.TEST-PASSED | must compute sum of fields
.TEST-PASSED | must check page index
.TEST-PASSED | must check display
.TEST-PASSED | must update fields with the same name from JS
.TEST-PASSED | must print securityHandler value in a text field
.TEST-PASSED | must check input for US zip format
.TEST-PASSED | must check input for US phone number (long) format
.TEST-PASSED | must check input for US phone number (short) format
.TEST-PASSED | must convert input to uppercase
.TEST-PASSED | must check that an infinite loop is not triggered
.TEST-PASSED | must check that field value is correctly updated
.TEST-PASSED | must check that field value is correctly formatted
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a button and text field with a border are hidden
.TEST-PASSED | must check that data-main-rotation is correct
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a value is correctly updated on a field and its siblings
.TEST-PASSED | must check that charLimit is correctly set
.TEST-PASSED | must check field value is treated by default as a number
.TEST-PASSED | must check field value is correctly updated when committed with ENTER key
.TEST-PASSED | must check field value is correctly updated when committed with ENTER key
.TEST-PASSED | must check the field value set when the document is open
.TEST-PASSED | must check the format action is called when setFocus is used
.TEST-PASSED | must check if printing is triggered when the document is open
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a field value with a number isn't changed
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a field value with a number with a comma has the correct value
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a field has the correct value when a choice is changed
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a field has the correct formatted value
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a field is empty
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a field has the correct formatted value
.TEST-PASSED | must check that invisible fields are made visible
.TEST-PASSED | must check that checkboxes are correctly resetted
.TEST-PASSED | must check that focus/blur callbacks aren't called
.TEST-PASSED | must check that blur callback is called
.TEST-PASSED | must check that only one radio is selected
.TEST-PASSED | must check the number has the correct number of decimals
.TEST-PASSED | must check the zip code is correctly formatted
.TEST-PASSED | must check the properties of the event
.TEST-PASSED | must check that PageOpen/PageClose actions are correctly executed
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the product are null
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the product is computed although a callback threw
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the computed value is correct
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a change on a radio implies the change on all the radio in the group
.TEST-PASSED | must load a PNG which is bigger than a page
.TEST-PASSED | must load a SVG
.TEST-PASSED | must load a SVG, delete it and undo
.TEST-PASSED | must check that an added image stay within the page
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the alt-text flow is correctly implemented
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the dimensions change
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the alt-text button is here when pasting in the second tab
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a stamp can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a stamp can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a stamp can be undone
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a resized stamp has its canvas at the right position
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the stamp has its canvas at the right position
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the pasted image has an alt text
.TEST-PASSED | must check the new alt text flow (part 1)
.TEST-PASSED | must check the new alt text flow (part 2)
.TEST-PASSED | must check the new alt text flow (part 3)
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the toggle button isn't displayed when there is no AI
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a stamp editor isn't resizing itself
.TEST-PASSED | must check that a stamp editor isn't on top of the secondary toolbar
.TEST-PASSED | must move an annotation
.TEST-PASSED | must update an existing alt-text
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the annotation is correctly restored
.TEST-PASSED | must check that the field is empty although its appearance contains a white space
.TEST-PASSED | in a single page
.TEST-PASSED | across multiple pages
.TEST-PASSED | allows selecting within the link
.TEST-PASSED | allows selecting within the link when going backwards
.TEST-PASSED | allows clicking the link after selecting
.TEST-PASSED | allows clicking the link after changing selection with the keyboard
[GFX1-]: glxtest: libEGL missing
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1729354008610	RemoteAgent	INFO	Perform WebSocket upgrade for incoming connection from
.TEST-PASSED | doesn't jump when moving selection
[GFX1-]: glxtest: libEGL missing
WebDriver BiDi listening on ws://
1729354013230	RemoteAgent	INFO	Perform WebSocket upgrade for incoming connection from
.TEST-PASSED | renders spans with the right size
.TEST-PASSED | supports specifiying a custom origin
.TEST-PASSED | must check that we can zoom with the mouse wheel and pressed control key
.TEST-PASSED | must check that zoom commands don't scroll the document
.TEST-PASSED | respects drawing delay when zooming out
.TEST-PASSED | respects drawing delay when zooming in
.TEST-PASSED | test correctly configured
.TEST-PASSED | does not trigger CSS-only zoom below maxCanvasPixels
.TEST-PASSED | triggers CSS-only zoom above maxCanvasPixels
.TEST-PASSED | must check that canvas perfectly fits the page whatever the zoom level is


1) ResetForm action Ink widget and its popup after editing annotation-caret-ink.pdf must check that the Ink annotation has a popup
  Re-enable this test when the Ink annotation has been made editable.

228 specs, 0 failures, 1 pending spec
Finished in 507.279 seconds
[GFX1-]: RenderCompositorSWGL failed mapping default framebuffer, no dt

Run 228 tests
All integration tests passed.
integration tests runtime was 510.8 seconds
[16:07:15] Finished 'runIntegrationTest' after 8.56 min
[16:07:15] Finished 'integrationtest' after 8.75 min
!botio_message:+ **Integration Tests:** Passed

>> Updating local PDF cache